
Showing posts from August, 2024

Carpel Tunnel and Housework

I have carpel tunnel. Many people don't know because I don't go around announcing it. And when comparing notes about disabilities/illnesses it seems like you're trying to one up people when you list your issues. For me it's: Asthma, carpel tunnel, lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance, IBS, and vertigo. My body is old and crumbly. (I'm only 29. Sobs.)  But my carpel tunnel is often the thorn bothering me the most. I have chores I need to do daily such as washing dishes, doing laundry, washing the table, vacuuming, changing diapers, etc. All of which are very difficult if you can hardly grip anything.  Today (August 1st) I am signing on a closing on a house as is my husband. My carpel tunnel has been bad the past 4 days so I expect that to be interesting.  What are some things that help me? Well, I've mostly trained my toddlers to hold still for diaper changes. My almost 2yo is the most stubborn, so she usually gets changed first. My almost 3 year old holds pre