New Beginnings

On June 5th, 2020 I was married to the love of my life. We met about three years ago in my church, I was the pastors daughter and he is the middle child of seven boys. At that time I liked him, but he did not like me. 

We rarely talked, we usually only exchanged pleasantries. I asked him about work or how his week was, he did the same for me. Then my parents moved from NY to TX and I stayed to do school. We talked more after that, but not a lot. Then I went to visit my parents and that was when we started talking almost non stop. It wasn't long after I came home in January that he asked me to court him.

From around January to May we dated, then he asked me to marry him. We were engaged at the end of March, beginning of April. Then we were married two months later. We have been together almost 8 months and married for almost 2 months. 

The biggest change for me has been my last name. Now my signature is changing because I will have a new last name. Another huge change is keeping house. I will readily admit that is not my strong suit. As long as the house is clean, I have no problem keeping up with it. But once something starts to go wrong, everything will go downhill. Then I will need to schedule one day for me to clean the entire house, including mopping. 

This blog will be dedicated to my life before and after being married in hopes that it will help someone else as they transition. I am a Christian so my view is from a biblical standpoint. I am discussing this primarily to help women searching for spouses and women who already have them.


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