One, two, three kids

It's been a while since I did anything with blogger, so I wanted to try it again. I love blogging as I find it can give others insight into others lives, thus helping one not feel so alone. 

I now have three children. 3, 2, and 4 months old. These children are absolutely my angels. I love them so much. Their laughter, innocent, joy. They make me so happy. Childrearing isn't easy. I had a whole list of things I'd never do with my kids. Including "no TV" (everyone laugh with me). We now own a TV and they can watch it twice a day. When I first had our third we watched movies all day. It caused my children to be more rambunctious, so it is now limited. 

I am blessed beyond measure. God has blessed me with 3 BEAUTIFUL girls. He has blessed me with an amazing husband. We aren't rich but we aren't starving. I am grateful for His provision in our lives. 

I can't remember which Bible verse it is, but the Bible states that "He can do exceedingly Abundantly above all that we ask or think". As a kid I found it to be true and I still do as an adult. 

How can I pray for you? Leave it in the comments. 

Please pray for me that I am patient and content with my current situation. Pray I'm able to raise my children well and to enjoy them fully. 

God Bless.


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