
 Hello again! 

I know it has been a while since I last posted, so I wanted to give an update. I found out I was pregnant in January and I'm due September 17th of this year! I am super excited to announce I am having a baby girl. 

If you feel led to send us a gift via the baby registry, please click on the hyperlink. It would be much appreciated and we thank you in advance! The address listed is not my address, it is going to a secondary location. We are moving soon, which is why we aren't using my address. 

We plan on naming the baby Elizabeth Grace. The first name is my Great Grandmother's middle name. My Great Grandma is still alive, so I had the honor of telling her what we were naming the baby. She was honored, happy, and excited for us. At 94 years old she will be a Great Great Grandmother. 

As happy as I am, there is also sadness that comes with it. My Grandmother/Nana died in October of 2011/2012. I miss her terribly and wish she was here to witness the baby. She would have been a wonderful Great Grandma. In the same vein, my Grammy died last year from Covid-19. She had preexisting health conditions. She also would've been a lovely Great Grandma. She had dementia, but she was so sweet. This baby will have 2 sets of grandparents, 1 set of Great Grandparents, 1 Great Great Grandma, then 2 Great Grandpas. 

I don't know if baby will ever get to meet Great Great Grandma. I'd love for her to meet Elizabeth, but I don't know that they will ever get to meet. And it breaks my heart. 

Baby Elizabeth will have so many aunts and uncles. She will have 2 biological aunts, 4 "adopted" aunts (at least), 8 biological uncles, 2 or more adopted uncles, and more. It is so exciting to have such a loving community to guide us. 

Thank you for reading my update! I appreciate your time.

God Bless



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