Father's Day

 Father's Day can be a difficult day for some people. For some, its a day of great sadness. Their dads may be absent or passed away. Their dads may have been abusive. Or maybe they never met their father. Whatever the reason, father's day can be very hard.

The bible calls us to honor our fathers and mothers. On these days, it can be temping to say, "It's a hallmark holiday, let's not celebrate it". For  those of us who don't live at home, we tend to like this holiday. It gives us one day out of the year to honor our parents publicly. 

I was lucky enough to have a dad who loved and cared for me. Did he do everything right? No. Before he was a Christian, he would've been considered abusive. He wielded his power with reckless abandon and often scared me and my sister. It felt like walking on eggshells until I was about 8 years old. Even then, he did still have to grow in Christ. 

But he raised me well. He taught me the impotence of having work ethic, being responsible, and more. He taught me that being a women after God's own heart meant I would need to sacrifice some things. Am I a women after God's own heart? Hardly. There are sins I have committed that I can never forgive myself for. I know God has forgiven me, but sometimes it eats me alive. I try not to dwell on it because I know that sin is forgiven. It's just hard for me to forget it. 

I have a heavenly father, an earthly father, and my husband is a great dad already. My husband takes care of me, talks to the baby, and does his best to be the best dad he can be. I am thankful. 

Happy Fathers day to all the dads out there! 


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