Pregnancy, Bible study, Cooking, and More
Hello again! Welcome back to my blog. I know it has been a while, so I decided I wanted to give an update on life in general. Today we will be discussing the following:
1. Pregnancy
2. Bible Study
3. Cooking
4. Financial Issues
We will start with number one! As y'all know, I am pregnant. I am 27 weeks this week, so I am in my 3rd trimester now. I am so nervous, it means my baby is coming soon. The baby is a girl and her name will be Elizabeth Grace. Her first name is my Great Grandma's middle name.
Here is her baby registry:
The address used is not mine for safety reasons.
I have been having bizarre food cravings. So far I've craved: Perogies, Panda Express, and Bagel Bites/Pizza. Here is a full list of my food cravings: Perogies, Panda Express, Bagel Bites, Pizza, Bagels, Subway, Pepperoni, Chicken Fries (Burger King), Salad, Ice Cream, and any veggies.
I feel Lizzy moving around a lot more, so I am pleased. I can't wait to meet her.
2. Bible Study
At church we have started a bible study through John MacArthur's books, "Twelve Extraordinary Women" and "Twelve Ordinary Men". In reality, this is our current Sunday School material. I love my church and that they want to do these things with us to help our understanding of scripture.
Today I started to read about Rahab which is in chapter 3. I liked the chapter overall, but I did not like the level of speculation that was in this chapter. There is speculation about Jericho, which we know little about. The chapter could have been 2-3 pages instead of the 5-10 that it was.
3. Cooking
Cooking has been getting challenging. We are on a tight budget and my husband has been doing a sales job. Today I made what I call, "Crap in a Pan". I throw in any veggies I can find, any meat I have left, and cook it in butter or oil. You can use fresh, cooked, or canned veggies. Same with meats. Today I added bagel seasoning (from Aldi) and Garlic Powder.
4. Finances
Finances have been tight for us. My husband has made 2 sales so far which total to $500. But we can't keep 50% of that, so we really only made $250. (We put aside 50% for tax purposes.) My husband has started Uber Eats and I have applied for Instacart. We are hoping to make extra money so we can at least cover rent. We are planning on contacting WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) and going to food cupboards for our grocery needs.
If you would like to help us with our financial situation, you can go to Ebay and purchase something from there.
Thank you for catching up with us! God Bless.
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