The Importance of Food Cupboards

 Food cupboards are important places for the community. Not only do they feed the homeless, they feed people who are in financially rough place. If you have the means and are able, you should buy food for your local food cupboard. Here are some things we got from ours today:

1. A gallon of milk. 
2. 4 bags of beans
3. A bag of rice
4. Hazelnuts
5. Canned fruit
6. Canned meat
7. Canned Tuna
8. Bread
9. Cupboard safe milk
10. Tomato Sauce
11. Canned mixed fruit
12. Canned peas
13. Peanut Butter
14. Oreos
15. Fruit snacks
16. Gluten Free chocolate wafers
17. Mini juice 
18. Spices
 and more that I can't remember. 

All of this food was a blessing to us. We can only go six times in a year, so we will need to be careful with it. Now we can't go back until August, which will be right before the baby is born. The food we got will definitely help us with this month's grocery bill, but we will still need to go to the store. 

Now that I know where there is a food cupboard who will take care of some basic needs, I feel less anxious about food. I still worry, but not as much. Most food cupboards aren't open when we need it, but this one is open Monday through Friday. 

When we are in a better place financially, we plan to donate food. Things like:

Canned chicken
Canned veggies
Canned fruit
GF food

Just because you're poor doesn't mean that you need to suffer for it. Being able to eat well even if getting food from a food cupboard is very important. I am pleased with what we got from ours, it was all food we could use or give to my family. (Some of it we can't use currently)

What am I most worried about? Being unable to feed my baby or feed myself properly so I can feed my baby. I want whats best for baby but its hard to do whats best when I can barely feed myself and my husband. 

I am doing my best to supplement our income so that way I can take pressure off my husband. He is the main provider still, but I just want him to not need to be stressed. That is why I'm selling on Ebay, doing a podcast, and teaching online. I am attempting to relieve my husband's stress while I can. Because soon I'll have a baby to take care of. And we will lose a second income. 

Our Uber isn't doing very well, but we are hoping we can pick up some orders on Saturday. My Instacart stuff isn't here yet, but we are hoping to start that soon as well. I want to be able to do some type of work to help until baby arrives at least. I want to pay off as much school debt as possible before I need to give birth, which will likely happen in a hospital. 


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