Why the new Abortion Ban in Texas is effectively useless

 If you have been paying any attention to the news recently, you will have noticed that Texas passed an anti-abortion bill that says it will stop abortions at 6 weeks of pregnancy. It is a heartbeat bill but allows outside people to sue (Ie: the dad who didn't get a say, the parents, but usually just the abortive mom.) 

Why is this bill useless? At every clinic they are not going to set up medically minded police officers to enforce the law. There are over 14,000 abortion clinics in Texas alone or places that do abortions. (Hospitals and OBGYNs are included) You would need at LEAST 14,000 cops are more to be able to monitor every clinic. There are over 78,000 officers in Texas. For two officers per clinic you would need 28,000 officers. This would leave only 50,000 officers to keep the peace in the ENTIRE STATE of Texas. In 2020 there were a little over 3,000 officers in Dallas, TX alone. 

If you expect an officer in each clinic, you're being dishonest. Or you're at least obtuse. 

I was 8 weeks pregnant and they lost the heartbeat 2-3 times while doing the ultrasound. It is easy enough to make it look like the heartbeat is "gone" if they wanted to. This bill won't save all the babies. We will be fortunate if it saves some. 

As for the people suing. The "reporters" discussing this law haven't read the law. Clearly. The abortive mother will need to want to sue. In some cases the father may sue or the parents. But a random person off the street can't sue unless they were directly involved somehow. 

If you are Pro-Life I recommend you watch the two documentaries:

Babies are Murdered Here

Babies are Still Murdered Here 

They are both very eye opening on the subject of abortion and abortion laws that are being resisted by the Pro Life establishment. 

Texas had the ability to end abortion this past term. HB3326 was a bill that would have ENDED abortion. Instead you got one that regulated it. Congratulations. 


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