Roe v Wade

 Roe V Wade has been overturned! I applaud the decision of the court, yet at the same time I am saddened by the fact that justice was not served. Babies will still be murdered via pill in trigger law states. Babies will still be murdered because of the cowardace of judicial systems. 

If you are a mother and you want to keep your baby, but are afraid because of resources, here is a list of some that can help you. 


1. WIC (Up until age 5) (They often carry breast pumps)
2. Food Stamps
3. Pregnancy Medicaid. 
4. Housing Assistance 


1. Food cupboards 
-Some college campuses have them for the community. 
-Some churches have them for the community
-There are some government food cupboards, but they can be difficult to apply for. 

2. Clothing cupboards
-Some food cupbords include these
-Some churches have these

3. Crisis Pregnancy Centers
-They typically have baby clothes, diapers, and wipes. Sometimes they also carry formula or breast pumps. 
-They will do free ultrasounds. 
-Some of them have prenatal care

4. Local income based clinics
-This can help with prenatal care throughout your pregnancy. 

5. Churches
-They will often help with food
-They sometimes can help with rent
-Sometimes they will provide a baby shower. 

6. Facebook Groups
Resources and Sales for Mamas is a private group that is for sharing of resources. Currently just the Admin shares info, but that can change the more people who join!

There are Amazon Baby Registry groups for moms to use. 


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