
NICU stays

When I had my first, it was a little traumatic. I was about to 34 weeks pregnant when I went into labor. We went immediately to the doctor and they stopped my labor. 6 days later I gave birth. Baby 1 had to be in the NICU for 9 days.  You never really recover from having your baby taken from you. She wasn't a micro premie. She also wasnt a small premie. She weighed 6lbs 11oz.  I was able to hold her for maybe 5 minutes before she was whisked away. My husband went with her and I stayed back because of my epidural. I slept and didn't pump, which in hindsight was a mistake. I should've pumped as soon as they brought it to me.  I was ok for the first two days until I was discharged. Then I broke and cried. I also had a headache from the epidural. I struggled to visit my baby due to stress and my headache.  Now she is 3 years old. The trauma still feels like yesterday but I look at her and feel blessed. She is sweet, kind, and wonderful. She is also spicy, but cute.  I have thre

Carpel Tunnel and Housework

I have carpel tunnel. Many people don't know because I don't go around announcing it. And when comparing notes about disabilities/illnesses it seems like you're trying to one up people when you list your issues. For me it's: Asthma, carpel tunnel, lactose intolerance, gluten intolerance, IBS, and vertigo. My body is old and crumbly. (I'm only 29. Sobs.)  But my carpel tunnel is often the thorn bothering me the most. I have chores I need to do daily such as washing dishes, doing laundry, washing the table, vacuuming, changing diapers, etc. All of which are very difficult if you can hardly grip anything.  Today (August 1st) I am signing on a closing on a house as is my husband. My carpel tunnel has been bad the past 4 days so I expect that to be interesting.  What are some things that help me? Well, I've mostly trained my toddlers to hold still for diaper changes. My almost 2yo is the most stubborn, so she usually gets changed first. My almost 3 year old holds pre

One, two, three kids

It's been a while since I did anything with blogger, so I wanted to try it again. I love blogging as I find it can give others insight into others lives, thus helping one not feel so alone.  I now have three children. 3, 2, and 4 months old. These children are absolutely my angels. I love them so much. Their laughter, innocent, joy. They make me so happy. Childrearing isn't easy. I had a whole list of things I'd never do with my kids. Including "no TV" (everyone laugh with me). We now own a TV and they can watch it twice a day. When I first had our third we watched movies all day. It caused my children to be more rambunctious, so it is now limited.  I am blessed beyond measure. God has blessed me with 3 BEAUTIFUL girls. He has blessed me with an amazing husband. We aren't rich but we aren't starving. I am grateful for His provision in our lives.  I can't remember which Bible verse it is, but the Bible states that "He can do exceedingly Abundantly

The Procedure by Choice42

 The Procedure. Abortion. Murder. Whatever you like to call it, few seem to know the true horrors of the abortion industry.  A short film was made in secret by a group of lead animators that is essential for you to watch.  Why did this medical professional quit after doing a simple procedure? The Procedure

It's Not Just Your Life

 A common misconception when you get married, is that you still have a life outside of your spouse. You do, in a sense. But now you have a partner. Partner in crime, friend, lover. It's not just your life anymore. Then you have kids. You now have at least two extra people in your life.  The way you live your life has a direct impact on your family. If you travel all the time, you run the risk of losing a close connection with your spouse and children. If the way you respond to confrontation is anger and shouting, then you need to take a pause and figure out your emotion. Anger and yelling should never be the way to resolve conflict.  One of the most shelfish things you can say to a spouse is, "it's MY life." Yes. You have a life. But consider the woman/man you married. They gave up a part of their life for you. Independence, a job, own living space, privacy. It's a partnership, not a competition.  I hope I never hear those words from my spouse. I hope I never thin

Healing and Childhood Memories

 I am not convinced anyone truly heals. We can move forward, we can try to do better. But true healing while forgetting? That is impossible. You will always have those memories even if you wish they didn't exist.  My father wasn't a Christian when I was a child. He was a preacher for almost 10 years when he realized he wasn't saved. I was saved when I was 4. I've had people behave as if that made my life easy, but temptations still happen and I still did/do things I become ashamed of.  My father and mother were both scary people before they were saved. Acting holy and blameless in public, but terrifying and like devils at home. My mom would exaggerate and we would be punished harshly for those exaggerations. My father would yell, storm around the house, and if we look at him wrong (or breathed the wrong way) we would be punished.  As a child, most of my good memories involve when dad was around other people. When I realized this as I got older, I realized how bitter it

Roe v Wade

 Roe V Wade has been overturned! I applaud the decision of the court, yet at the same time I am saddened by the fact that justice was not served. Babies will still be murdered via pill in trigger law states. Babies will still be murdered because of the cowardace of judicial systems.  If you are a mother and you want to keep your baby, but are afraid because of resources, here is a list of some that can help you.  Government: 1. WIC (Up until age 5) (They often carry breast pumps) 2. Food Stamps 3. Pregnancy Medicaid.  4. Housing Assistance  Local: 1. Food cupboards  -Some college campuses have them for the community.  -Some churches have them for the community -There are some government food cupboards, but they can be difficult to apply for.  2. Clothing cupboards -Some food cupbords include these -Some churches have these 3. Crisis Pregnancy Centers -They typically have baby clothes, diapers, and wipes. Sometimes they also carry formula or breast pumps.  -They will do free ultrasounds